
Chrysalis ThinkRoom

To provide the highest standards of education for your child, our school has partnered with Chrysalis, India’s leader in educational research and innovation. For their contribution to education, Chrysalis (EZ Vidya) was awarded South-Asia’s most innovative curriculum award and the coveted ET-NOW ‘Game Changer’ Award from over 63000 organizations.

Chrysalis ThinkRoom is a progressive learning and assessment programme adopted by forward-thinking schools. A ThinkRoom adopts the path-breaking Meta-Thinking Method.

The ThinkRoom Method

What makes great people such as C.V. Raman, M.S. Subbulakshmi and Abdul Kalam stand out and make an impact is the fact that they think differently from others. Your child has an inner-genius within her too. Advanced educational research has proven that expanding thinking not only boosts performance, but also is key to developing one’s potential.

Through 23 years of educational research and innovation, Chrysalis has developed the breakthrough meta-thinking method. This proven method expands your child’s thinking, making it habitual, thus enabling her to discover her unique inner-genius. Your child becomes a meta-thinker!

State-of-the-art attributes in a ThinkRoom

The Chrysalis Studio

Your child now owns the revolutionary Chrysalis Studio that replaces passive textbooks. Unlike a textbook, the Studio interacts with the child and makes every child participate in the learning with interest. The innovative practices used in the Studio completely transforms the way your child learns.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Teachers in our schools are empowered through the advanced Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme by Chrysalis on 21st century pedagogy. The avant-garde CPD modules are designed to raise the teaching practices in our school to be on par with global standards.

The Transformation Report

ThinkRoom is the only learning programme in India which measures the quality of education in schools through 45 transformation parameters. This is presented through the pioneering Transformation Report. This report extensively shows us how our school has progressed and enables us to raise the standards of education every term.